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Technical Center
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Zhongqi Jiaojian group technical center is a R&D organization certified by the Shandong Economic and Trade Commission as the "Provincial Enterprise Technical Center", which involves research and development, technology breakthroughs, introduction and promotion of four-new technology, engineering of special construction and engineering inspection. The center is the only state demonstration base in Shandong Province for education of senior technical talents from construction enterprises. The center has 1 director and 2 deputy directors; 57 persons hold intermediate or senior professional titles and 23 persons master's degrees or above.
      The purposes of the center: With enhancing engineering level as its focus, independently develop new technologies and meantime introduce new ones from abroad and promote the same, take demonstrative projects applied new technologies as carriers, promote and apply new construction technologies, research and develop technical achievements of national importance, build a national class technical center, and provide reliable technical guarantee for production, operation and management of Jiaojian Group.

  • Shandong Province Certified Enterprise Technical Center 

  • Qingdao Municipality Certified Enterprise Technical Center 

  • Notice on the publication of  the technical centers of some enterprises

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